Our Story

How We Got Started
I was told a while back that I’d never get rich working in the manufacturing industry. After noodling that over a while, I said to myself, “well, I guess that only leaves agriculture!”
Steph and I tumbled into the glamorous world of fruit trees a few years ago when we bought the place from our friends David and Claudia Ambrose. Having grown up a stone’s throw away and returning regularly over the years to visit my folks, I had a chance to watch as our neighbors’ care and hard work brought this lovely grove of 300+ trees into being.
When my family’s longtime neighbors and friends declared their intentions to sell, Steph and I found ourselves faced with an unexpected decision. Fearing new owners would take no interest in the trees we were caught by a wave of spontaneity and made an offer.
We spent a good part of our first year educating ourselves and working to revitalize the trees. We then reopened officially in 2018. Every year brings us new things to learn and we have greatly enjoyed becoming a Fall destination for both our regular local customers and travelers from afar.
Most days of the year we pursue our primary occupations; Business/Leadership Consulting for Steph and Production Planning at one of our fine local businesses for me. We shift gears to apples on the weekends, afternoons, and yes, a few vacation days. Makes for a busy life, sure, but we’re hoping it will keep our backs strong and our thoughts more attuned with Mother Nature for years to come.
We hope you’ll stop in for a visit and to share some of the great produce our hometown soil can grow.